
Discover a wide range of essential tools that can boost your productivity and efficiency

  • Tools

    Port Forwarding in VS Code

    Unlock the power of port forwarding in VS Code effortlessly, as it comes with built-in support, eliminating the need for additional extensions. Seamlessly expose your local web services to the internet and enable others to access them using the intuitive Ports view. Take your collaboration and productivity to new heights with the convenience of port forwarding in Visual Studio Code. In the latest version of VS Code (1.82), a new module called “PORTS” has been introduced in the command line panel. This module offers a feature called Local Port Forwarding, which allows users to easily share their local services with remote networks without the need for any third-party plugins. This…

  • Tools

    Beautify README for GitHub Profile

    A well-crafted README is essential for presenting your GitHub profile and projects in an organized and visually appealing manner. With a beautifully designed README, you can effectively communicate important information, showcase your work, and attract potential collaborators or employers. In this article, we will explore various tools and best practices to Beautify README for GitHub Profile, transforming it into an impressive and professional representation of your skills and projects. github-profile-readme-generator 🚀 Generate GitHub profile README easily with the latest add-ons like visitors count, GitHub stats, etc using minimal UI. Try this tool Features profileme-dev helps developers create an amazing GitHub profile in minutes. Features An online drag-and-drop editor…

  • Frontend,  Tools

    Top Micro Frontend Frameworks for Web

    In this post, we will share micro frontend frameworks for web development that enable teams to work independently, adopt different technologies, and deliver seamless user experiences. With the widespread application of Single Page Application (SPA), a new issue arises: the need for scalability in applications. On one hand, the rapid increase in functionality leads to proportional increases in packaging time, while urgent releases require shorter times, creating a contradiction. On the other hand, when a codebase integrates all functionalities, daily collaboration becomes extremely challenging. Moreover, in the past decade, frontend technology has rapidly evolved, with a new era emerging every two years, necessitating colleagues to upgrade projects or even switch…

  • Frontend,  Tools

    Best React Guided Tour Libraries for User Onboarding

    When a new version of a product is released or new features are launched, it is often necessary to provide new user guidance to help users understand the application. In the following, we will share the best react guided tour libraries for user onboarding, which can assist in quickly implementing new user guidance functionality. React Joyride Showcase your app to new users or explain functionality of new features. View the demo here (or the codesandbox examples). Read the docs. It uses react-floater for positioning and styling. And you can use your own components too! In React projects, this tool is readily available for introducing new features to existing users. It possesses the following characteristics: 1. User-friendly…

  • Tools

    Easing Functions for Animation

    In this article, we will delve into the core principles of easing functions for animation, exploring their mathematical foundations and how they contribute to creating seamless and captivating animations. Basic Principle Assuming an object in motion, positioned at 100 meters on a track, preparing to move forward to 250 meters, with a planned duration of 2 seconds. We initiate the timing at 0 seconds. As time progresses, the relationship between its position and the current time can be represented by the following function (equation): The meaning of each parameter is as follows: The principle of this formula is to divide the elapsed duration of the movement by the total duration…

  • Tools

    Yaml Best tutorial: Syntax and Configuration Examples

    Introduction YAML (YAML Ain’t Markup Language) is a human-readable data serialization format commonly used for configuration files, data exchange, and structured data representation. This tutorial aims to provide a comprehensive introduction to YAML, covering its syntax, data structures, and configuration examples. Furthermore, it is possible to convert between YAML and JSON formats. File structure YAML files can consist of one or multiple documents, each with its own independent organizational structure. The documents are separated by “—” at the beginning of each document. Additionally, a document can be terminated with “…” as an optional ending marker. If there is only a single document, the separator “—” can be omitted. While it…

  • Tools

    Glob Patterns Examples and Syntax

    Introduction Glob patterns, also known as wildcard patterns or globbing patterns, are invaluable tools for matching and manipulating filenames and paths in a filesystem. They provide a flexible and efficient way to specify patterns and perform operations on multiple files at once. In this article, we will discover glob patterns examples and syntax and how they can be used in various programming languages and tools. Glob Patterns Syntax At its core, a glob pattern is a string pattern that uses special characters called wildcards to represent variable parts of filenames or paths. These wildcards allow us to match filenames based on specific patterns rather than exact names. The most commonly…