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  • Frontend

    Use CSS to Hide Scrollbars on iOS

    In this article, we will discover how to use CSS to hide scrollbars on iOS. In mobile development, it is common to encounter scenarios that require horizontal scrolling, for eaxmple: However, in many cases, it is not necessary to display this scrollbar, resulting in the following effect: One possible solution that may come to mind is to directly modify the style of the scroll bar, as demonstrated below: Currently, there appear to be no apparent issues, but it is ineffective on certain versions of iOS as the scrollbar continues to appear. Are there any alternative methods to resolve this issue? The following methods will be introduced below. Using overflow Below…

  • Frontend

    Code Signing and Notarize on macOS with electron-builder

    Introduction Code signing plays a crucial role in ensuring the integrity and security of software applications, including Electron apps. By digitally signing your Electron app, you can establish trust, reduce warning messages, and enhance the user experience. In this article, we will guide you through the process of implementing code signing and notarize on macOS with electron-builder. Starting from macOS 10.14.5, applications are required to undergo both signing and notarization processes in order to be directly executed. Failure to comply with these requirements will result in a warning message being displayed: Alternatively, there may be Chinese prompts displayed: 无法打开“”,因为无法验证开发者。macOS 无法验证此 App 不包含恶意软件。 To address this issue, it is necessary to…

  • Frontend

    EV/OV Code Signing On Mac or Windows with electron-builder

    Introduction Code signing plays a crucial role in ensuring the integrity and security of software applications, including Electron apps. By digitally signing your Electron app with an EV/OV Code Signing Certificate, you can establish trust, reduce warning messages, and enhance the user experience. In this article, we will guide you through the process of implementing EV/OV code signing on Mac or Windows with electron-builder. Differences between EV certificate and OV certificate Microsoft offers two different types of certificates for digital code signing: the Extended Validation Code Signing Certificate (EV) and the Organization Validation Code Signing Certificate (OV). These certificates are utilized to authenticate the origin and integrity of software. 1.…

  • Backend,  Frontend

    The Basics and Principles of the Base64 Algorithm

    Introduction Base64 is a collection of binary-to-text encoding schemes that are utilized to represent binary data in an ASCII string format through the translation of the data into a radix-64 representation. It uses the following alphabet to represent the radix-64 digits, alongside “=” as a padding character A-Z, a-z, 0-9, +, / In URLs, certain characters such as /, ?, and # have special meanings. To optimize the encoding of binary data in URLs, URL Base64 encoding replaces the characters + and / with – and _ to avoid characters that might cause problems in URL path segments or query parameters. Base64 encoding schemes are commonly used to encode binary data for…

  • Frontend

    How to make responsive image (srcset, sizes)

    There are many solutions for responsive images, which can be implemented using JavaScript and CSS. This article introduces the simplest and most semantically correct HTML method, natively supported by browsers. Pixel density selection: srcset attribute To solve the problems mentioned in the previous section, HTML provides a complete solution. First, the <img> tag introduces the srcset attribute. The srcset attribute is used to specify multiple images that adapt to different pixel densities of screens. Its value is a comma-separated string, where each part is the URL of an image, followed by a space, and then a descriptor for the pixel density. The condition descriptor may take one of two forms…

  • Backend,  Frontend

    http 缓存(强制缓存、协商缓存原理示例)

    强制缓存 强制缓存直接减少请求数,是提升最大的缓存策略。 强制缓存就是向浏览器缓存查找该请求结果,并根据该结果的缓存规则来决定是否使用该缓存结果的过程,强制缓存的情况有三种: 1、不存在该缓存结果和缓存标识,强制缓存失效,则直接向服务器发起请求(跟第一次发起请求一致),如下图: 2、存在该缓存结果和缓存标识,但该结果已失效,强制缓存失效,则使用协商缓存,如下图: 3、存在该缓存结果和缓存标识,且该结果尚未失效,强制缓存生效,直接返回该结果,如下图: 强缓存规则 当浏览器向服务器发起请求时,服务器会将缓存规则放入HTTP响应报文的HTTP头中和请求结果一起返回给浏览器,告诉浏览器当前资源的缓存规则,控制强缓存的响应头字段分别是Cache-Control和Expires,其中Cache-Control优先级比Expires高。如果当前资源被缓存,则浏览器在下次发起请求时会从缓存中寻找资源。 协商缓存 控制强制缓存的响应头字段分别是 Etag和 Last-Modified,请求头字段是 If-None-Match 和 If-Modified-Since 。 每次请求需要进行缓存新鲜度校验。新鲜度校验通过请求头 If-None-Match 与响应头 ETag(由服务端生成) 进行对比,或请求头 If-Modified-Since 与响应头 Last-Modified 进行对比。 协商缓存就是强制缓存失效后(强制缓存时请求的缓存结果失效,只返回缓存标识),浏览器携带缓存标识向服务器发起请求,由服务器根据缓存标识决定是否使用缓存的过程,主要有以下两种情况: 协商缓存请求数上和没有缓存是一致的,但如果是 304 的话,返回的仅仅是一个状态码而已,并没有实际的文件内容,因此 在响应体体积上的节省是它的优化点。 1、协商缓存生效,返回304,如下: 2、协商缓存失效,返回200和请求结果结果,如下: Etag/If-None-Match Etag Etag是属于HTTP 1.1属性,它是由服务器(Apache或者其他工具)生成保存并返回给前端并,用来帮助服务器控制Web端的缓存验证。 Etag 的优先级高于 Last-Modified If-None-Match 如果If-None-Match传递给后台的缓存ETag值和后台对应该文件的ETag值一样,说明该缓存新鲜,服务器返回 304 状态码,浏览器使用本地缓存; 如果If-None-Match传递给后台的缓存ETag值和后台对应该文件的ETag值不一样,说明该缓存不新鲜,服务器返回更新的资源和新的 Etag值 Last-Modifed/If-Modified-Since的时间精度是秒,而Etag可以更精确。 Etag优先级是高于Last-Modifed的,所以服务器会优先验证Etag Last-Modifed/If-Modified-Since Last-Modified If-Modified-Since 如果If-Modified-Since值 就是 服务器端该文件的最新修改日期,说明缓存是新鲜的,服务器返回304,浏览器使用本地缓存; 如果If-Modified-Since值 小于 服务器端该文件的最新修改日期,说明缓存不新鲜,服务器返回新的该资源,并且更新该资源Last-Modified日期 使用场景 一般来说,我们对经构建工具打包后带有hash的资源进行一年的强制缓存 Cache-Control: max-age=3153600, 对于文件名不带hash的资源进行协商缓存或Cache-Control: max-age=较小值 或 Cache-Control: no-cache。 一种缓存策略是 index.html 适合走协商缓存,文件名带hash | 相对稳定 | 不常更新 的静态资源(JS、CSS、IMAGES) 等使用强缓存。 nginx 配置缓存策略 刷新页面跳过缓存 强制刷新的实现原理:设置 Cache-Control 为 no-cache 清空缓存并强制刷新的功能:清掉本地的缓存再去协商,能保证一定是拿到最新的资源 关于缓存的常见误区 上面提到的知识估计就是平时大家最常背到的,不过大家有没有认真想过一个问题?我们取到的缓存数据,一定缓存在浏览器里面吗? 实际上是不然的:资源的缓存通常是有多级的,一些缓存专门用于单个用户,一些缓存专用于多个用户。有些是由服务器控制的,有些是由用户控制的,有些则由中介层控制。 另外,我们也经常会使用本地配置的代理,这些代理能够通过配置信任证书来缓存 HTTPS资源。